The Leadership of Courage: Ukrainian Security Guarantees for Europe

By Roman Sohn and Ariana Gic, for European Pravda. — The modest results of the Vilnius NATO summit, the sour diplomatic ...

Stop Russian Terrorists in Ukraine

Where Do We Stop Putin?

By Roman Sohn, Ariana Gic, Hanna Hopko for European Pravda. - As people across continents witness the heartbreaking suffering of ...

Lawfare by rogue actors against democracy

Unmasking Russia’s large-scale lawfare attack

Speech by Ariana Gic at the discussion panel "Rogue Actors Against Democracy" at 2021 Joe Biden's World Summit for ...

Have courage to lead

Світу потрібна чесна політика США стосовно Росії

Аріяна Ґіць, Ганна Гопко, Роман Сон для Дзеркало тижня. Цього відкритого ...

Have no fear to act

Appeasing Vladimir Putin’s Russia Will Only Embolden It

By Ariana Gic, Hanna Hopko, and Roman Sohn, for Politico The following open letter was signed by 179 political leaders, experts and ...

Baltic RIM Economies on Ukraine

No Peace Without Truth: An Honest Response to Russian Aggression in Ukraine

By Ariana Gic, Hanna Hopko, and Roman Sohn, for BRE Special Issue on Ukraine — In his statement at President Trump's impeachment ...