Stop Putin's terrorist regime

A love letter to Ukraine

By Ariana Gic, Roman Sohn for StopFake. Dear Ukraine, We love you! We are with you! We support you! Your ...

Blazing dawn over Ukraine

Blazing dawn over Ukraine

By Roman Sohn and Ariana Gic for Emerging Europe. - Imagine waking up to the news that your country is being bombed by missiles. ...

Ukraine cannot be broken

Рішучість та відвага

Катерина Ющенко, Аріяна Ґіць, та Роман Сон для Дзеркало Тижня. - На тлі ...

Ukraine has love for freedom

The Will and Courage

By Kateryna Yushchenko, Ariana Gic, and Roman Sohn - Amidst growing risks of a large scale military conflict breaking out in Europe, ...

Have courage to lead

Світу потрібна чесна політика США стосовно Росії

Аріяна Ґіць, Ганна Гопко, Роман Сон для Дзеркало тижня. Цього відкритого ...

Have no fear to act

Appeasing Vladimir Putin’s Russia Will Only Embolden It

By Ariana Gic, Hanna Hopko, and Roman Sohn, for Politico The following open letter was signed by 179 political leaders, experts and ...