Don’t call Kremlin lies truth

“It’s day 300 of the war! Let’s address Kremlin disinfo narratives!” Yeah… How about starting with the one about how it is ...

“Stop War” is a Russian disinfo operation

I want to help people understand that “Stop War” from Russians does NOT mean “Russia, stop waging war.” It means ...

Lies which allowed Moscow to escalate its war against Ukraine

It's well understood that Ukrainians who have been cooperating with Russian genocidal invaders the last 7 months are COLLABORATORS ...

Stop Putin's terrorist regime

Проєкт Звернення ВРУ до Конгресу США щодо визнання Російської Федерації державою-спонсором тероризму

Роман Сон, Аріяна Ґіць — ПРОЄКТ ЗВЕРНЕННЯ Верховної Ради України ...

NATO must ACT in Ukraine NOW

NATO must ACT in Ukraine NOW!

People from around the world call on the NATO nations to embrace their historical mission to protect the future of the free world by ...

Stop Russian Terrorists in Ukraine

Where Do We Stop Putin?

By Roman Sohn, Ariana Gic, Hanna Hopko for European Pravda. - As people across continents witness the heartbreaking suffering of ...